
Dried fruits are fruits that have been dehydrated to remove most of their moisture content, resulting in a shriveled and concentrated product. Nuts are hard-shelled fruits that do not split open to release their seeds. Dried Fruits & Nuts are commonly consumed as snacks, used in baking, cooking, and as ingredients in various culinary applications. They can be susceptible to spoilage issues if not properly stored and handled. Some common spoilage issues for dried fruits and nuts include rancidity and yeast contamination.

Yeast contamination

Yeast contamination in dried fruits and nuts can occur if they are not properly handled, stored, or processed. Yeast can lead to spoilage of dried fruits and nuts, resulting in a decrease in shelf-life and quality. It can consume the available sugars in the products, leading to changes in taste, texture, and appearance.

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Rancidity can be caused from exposure to heat, light, air in  dried fruits and nuts. Due to their high fat content, nuts can become rancid over time, resulting in off-flavours and off-odours. Proper storage in airtight containers in a cool, dry, and dark place can help prevent spoilage issues, ensuring their quality and shelf-life.

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